Steam Woes-Replacing a Fuel Cooler on a Cummins QSM 11.
The NO-FLOW feature of a neglected Fuel Cooler!
Live Well Conversion for Your Fish Box
If you only need a live well occasionally this this may be your option. Full conversion of a fish box into a live well when needed. It meets almost all of the requirements of a great live well while allowing it to still be used as a fish box when required.
Is Bronze or Red Brass?
The age old battle of what is and what is not Bronze is settled from this metallurgical engineers point of view.
Simplify Your Trolling
Simplify Your Trolling
Here’s the situation. You have been trolling for an hour or two, multiple lines multiple colors and BAM! You find out which color is going to make the crews day. Why not make it easy to switch baits over in a fast efficient manner. Not only that but make the leader easily changeable as well, especially when sharp teeth come into play.